FireHawk's Thoughts

Ramblings of an Earth-minded nobody.

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Location: Pendleton, Indiana, United States

Former Airline pilot and Gulf War I Veteran. Originally from Maine/New England now living in rural Indiana.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mid Summer's Eve \ Summer Solstice


On June 21st we observe the Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year; it is the day on which the northern hemisphere of the Earth is tilted the most TOWARDS the Sun. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year. In ancient times this day was called Litha or Mid Summer's Eve. In neo times our calendars state that it is the FIRST day of Summer although I disagree with this on a fundamental level. To most, Summer has already been here for a while. And it actually marks the HALF WAY point thru summer as in another 1.5 months summer will be overwith. Pagans regard this day as a very powerful and important day. It is the day the Sun or "male/god" aspect is at its highest "power". This is a great day to give thanks to the Sun and the warmth/food it provides all of us. Without the Sun, we would not have all of the life cycles that we all require to exist. There are many websites out there that give more details about this Holy Day... try


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