FireHawk's Thoughts

Ramblings of an Earth-minded nobody.

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Location: Pendleton, Indiana, United States

Former Airline pilot and Gulf War I Veteran. Originally from Maine/New England now living in rural Indiana.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Plough Monday

Plough Monday

When and What is Plough Monday?

The first Monday after Twelfth Night is Plough Monday, a day when English ploughmen traditionally blackened their faces and wore white shirts.

Plough Monday was the day when villagers in many agricultural areas dragged a decorated plough thru town and they would knock on doors and ask for money, food and drink. They were accompanied by someone acting the Fool. The fool would often be dressed in skins and a tail, and carry a pig's bladder on the end of a stick.

Farmers return to work on Plough Monday after the 12 days of Yuletide.



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