Origins of Easter
Easter time each year is a perfect time to observe how the Christian religion has massaged old time traditions into something they now claim and call their own. In ancient times, there was a holy day and celebration called OSTARA. Neo-pagan peoples still observe this special day of the year. If you recall in the dead of winter on the longest night of the year, we called it Yuletide. This was the time when we celebrated the returning/birth of the "Sun" since Dec 21st is the longest night of the year. Every day after Yule (aka Christmas) gets more and more daylight,lighter and lighter. The cycle of the Earth and Sun continues and we find ourselves at the Vernal Equinox, the period of EQUAL NIGHT and DAY, on or about March 21st each year. This time of year was the time when early europeans would celebrate the "stirrings of spring". This was the time when the Earth would wake up and become fertile once more. Seeds would open, the first flowers would appear and the true awakening of the Earth could be observed in everyday life. Thus, there were symbols of this fertility, Eggs and Rabbits and such, that would appear in those celebrations.
The Christian Religion in its infancy had a difficult task of CONVERTING old time pagan practises into Christian faith and followers. Easter is a prime example. The very date of Easter was specifically set very carefully by the Christian Church.
Easter was established as the FIRST SUNDAY that occured AFTER the FIRST FULL MOON AFTER the Vernal Equinox (Ostara).
This would ensure that Christian "Easter" would NEVER occur on the old holy day called Ostara; Christian "Easter" would NEVER occur on a FULL MOON, and Christian "Easter" would ALWAYS occur on a SUNDAY.
All of this while still offering the "Pagans" an opportunity to celebrate "similar" family values during that time of the year. Eggs remained, the hidden goddess symbol of the rabbitt remained. The "awakenening" of something sacred (Jesus/Earth) remained.
Due to the horrific Christian Crusades and massacres of the time cast by rulers to "reform" and "convert" non-believers or different-believers, It was just a matter of time before mass conversion to the new Christian beliefs was commonplace.
Now we have arrived at a time in History when the truth can be told without consequences from a Church or Government. The people of the United States and those portions of the "Free" world have a chance to review the history of religions and now decide for themselves what they wish to follow.
The Christian Religion in its infancy had a difficult task of CONVERTING old time pagan practises into Christian faith and followers. Easter is a prime example. The very date of Easter was specifically set very carefully by the Christian Church.
Easter was established as the FIRST SUNDAY that occured AFTER the FIRST FULL MOON AFTER the Vernal Equinox (Ostara).
This would ensure that Christian "Easter" would NEVER occur on the old holy day called Ostara; Christian "Easter" would NEVER occur on a FULL MOON, and Christian "Easter" would ALWAYS occur on a SUNDAY.
All of this while still offering the "Pagans" an opportunity to celebrate "similar" family values during that time of the year. Eggs remained, the hidden goddess symbol of the rabbitt remained. The "awakenening" of something sacred (Jesus/Earth) remained.
Due to the horrific Christian Crusades and massacres of the time cast by rulers to "reform" and "convert" non-believers or different-believers, It was just a matter of time before mass conversion to the new Christian beliefs was commonplace.
Now we have arrived at a time in History when the truth can be told without consequences from a Church or Government. The people of the United States and those portions of the "Free" world have a chance to review the history of religions and now decide for themselves what they wish to follow.
Howdy there Goddesses,
My name's Nathan and I've set up a pagan calendar with Google Calendar that marks the moon cycles (including Void of Course), the Equinoxes, Solstices, and cross quarter holidays. You can access it via XML (if you have an appropriate reader) or iCal using the following links. If you'd like, you can go to and, using your Google Account, sign up to use it via their service.
XML ::
iCal ::
You can also go in and comment on the things I've added thus far, or make suggestions for improvements.
Sorry if this seems like SPAM, I just thought you might all be interested...
Sorry - didn't mean to write "Goddesses" - I apologize...
Thankyou for the reference ...we all appreciate it! Anything that helps people become more educated about the Cycles of the World is a good thing :)
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