FireHawk's Thoughts

Ramblings of an Earth-minded nobody.

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Location: Pendleton, Indiana, United States

Former Airline pilot and Gulf War I Veteran. Originally from Maine/New England now living in rural Indiana.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice / Yuletide

The Winter Solstice aka Yuletide is the longest night of the year...the night with the greatest darkness. After that moment in time, the sunlight begins to lengthen again....again warming the Earth over time and eventually creating Spring and Summer...allowing things to grow again...this cycle truly is a beautiful thing. In ancient times, pagan peoples celebrated the return of the sun and gave thanks to this precious gift. Over time, modern societies have replaced the holiday with different symbolism. I hope everyone will pause as the ancients did at the Yuletide moment and reflect the true gifts of the season.

The Winter Solstice/Yuletide occurs at 6:38pm EST on Dec 21st for this year 2010...


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