Imbolc 2007 Feb 2nd
The Cross Quarter* of Imbolc 2007 occurs at 9:05 pm on Feb 2nd this year. This is a time to acknowledge the "First Spark" and embedded energies that have been sleeping over the winter. The seeds that are underground acknowledge the returning energy and will begin to convert it to life deep within the seed, underground and unseen by man. Even though it is still the dead of winter and feels like winter, the Sun's energy has been returning since the Winter Solstice on Dec 21st. On this day we are 1/2 way between the Winter Solstice (longest night of the year) and the Spring Equinox (equal night and day). Take this time to reflect upon this cycle and appreciate the unseen gifts that exist in your everyday life.
Chart of 2007 Equinox, Solstice and Cross Quarter Moments based on your location
PS. *Cross Quarters are the moments in time that are exactly halfway between Solstices and Equinoxes.